Yoga Insights & Inspiration

Welcome to the Blossom Yoga blog, your trusted resource for all things yoga - from the physical to the spiritual to the philosophical sides of the practice! Here at Blossom Yoga, our teachers, friends, and community are crafting insightful and engaging blog posts that delve into the heart of a deep yoga practice.

Check back monthly for more insight, wisdom, and experience.

Miguel Chen Miguel Chen

Caring for Your Yoga Mat

During a yoga practice, we’ll likely stand, sit, and lay on our yoga mats. Our hands, feet, and even faces make contact with it several times throughout a practice. Over time, the natural oils and even bacteria from our skin transfer to the mat. When practicing outside or in a heated space, grime and germs build up more quickly. But how do we safely remove all of that sweat, skin, oil, and bacteria?

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Miguel Chen Miguel Chen

Is Yoga A Religion?

I’ve had clients and students ask some form of this question over the years. The short answer is, “No. Yoga is not a religion.” And many are happy enough to leave it there. I’m always happy to indulge in more conversation about it, though. Yoga’s history is rich with spiritual context.

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